Order the perfect frame or look for old frames in an antique or consignment shop that will allow enough room for your new bird or even two birds together. No glass or mat board is needed for this effect, just hang the bird directly on the wall and then hang the frame around it.
Show off your new bird by placing an interesting surface behind it. Painted burlap, hand printed paper, gift wrap, old sheets of music or the yellowed pages of an old book can function as mini wallpaper. Featured here are three different birds placed atop various sheets of hand printed paper. To keep the sheets flat, try mounting them on a wood panel or thick foam core before you install the bird.
A full flock of AVIARY birds makes a dramatic statement. Pictured below is “Bird House”, an installation of twenty birds featuring authentic architectural blueprints for wings and vintage glass for beaks. Or, hang your bird as part of a “still life” using plants, books or other favorite objects to create an intimate, artistic moment in your home or office.